Monday, December 1, 2008


It seems that it's starting again. This time of year, when it would be so nice to be able to bathe myself and my husband in the process of remembering Andrew and honoring him.... instead we are in the throws of either holiday chaos or occupational demands. Hubbie is headed out of town for the entire week next week. Long days and lonely nights at a time when I need him next to me, warm and alive and supportive and well, just there.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder? I guess I can try and look at this as an opportunity for growth and appreciation for him when he is here. But it still sucks.

Genuinely I normally do not "whine" however, this space seems like one where I will indulge myself and participate in a bit of whining and self pity, if for only a brief moment. Apologies to those who may find this offensive or bothersome but hey, it's my blog.... right?

Do others find it difficult to have their partner or significant other away around the birth/death date of your little one? I guess this is likely a rhetorical question however, it'd be nice to know and have some feedback.

Thanks for reading and responding if you are so inclined.

Goodnight Andrew.

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